Jump the line and reserve your spot to get a commission from James C. Mulligan at the event you're attending.
Commission schedule based on last day attending, done in pencil, watercolor & copec marker. James reserves right to refuse work.
Silver Level:
Single or Dual Character
Full Watercolor and Copec Marker
8.5 x 11 Aged Parchment
Starting at $940.00
Upgrades can be added at 'The Event' for an extra fee, subject to time availability.
Jump the line and reserve your spot to get a commission from James C. Mulligan at the event you're attending.
Commission schedule based on last day attending, done in pencil, watercolor & copec marker. James reserves right to refuse work.
Silver Level:
Single or Dual Character
Full Watercolor and Copec Marker
8.5 x 11 Aged Parchment
Starting at $940.00
Upgrades can be added at 'The Event' for an extra fee, subject to time availability.