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About the Phantom Lady:
Phantom Lady was created by the Eisner & Iger studio, one of the first to produce comics on demand for publishers. The character's early adventures were drawn by Arthur Peddy. As published by Fox Feature Syndicate in the late 1940s, the busty and scantily-clad Phantom Lady is a notable and controversial example of 'Good Girl Art', a style of comic art depicting voluptuous female characters in provocative situations and pin-up poses that contributed to widespread criticism of the medium's effect on children. The character was ranked 49th in Comics Buyer's Guide's "100 Sexiest Women in Comics" list.

About the Creation: 
I was drawn to the cover of issue #17 because of the full profile of the hero’s figure. I liked the opportunity to recreate the full-body pose with greater attention to tone and softening her intensity at the moment. In the original, she appears to be aggressively working free of her bonds and about to disarm her foe with the blinding blacklight ray. In my version, I made her more relaxed and in control, confident of the outcome that is about to unfold. The work of Frank Frazetta is a definitive cornerstone for femininity in comic art. For good or bad, the general go-to features for feminine beauty are big eyes, a little nose, big mouth. In this creation, I was inspired by a charcoal drawing of his and modeled the light source and her attitude from his work. - Joe Rubinstein

About the Artist:
Josef "Joe" Rubinstein, born in Germany 1958 is a Hall of Fame comic book artist whose storied career spans more than four decades with notable credits that include the acclaimed 1982 Wolverine mini-series, the Infinity Gauntlet series and The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe. Joe is known to be the artist to have given artist Art Adams (the Uncanny X-Men) his first professional work and nurtured the careers of Kyle Baker (Plastic Man), Jose Marzan, Jr. (The Flash) and Dale Keown (The Incredible Hulk). Joe’s record-setting post on Marvel Comics' saw him ink more pencillers than any other inker in history (and more than 2,500 comic books). He currently enjoys
exploring painting techniques and creating portraits.

Shop more art 'Made by' Joe Rubinstein

Comic Book Details

  • Brand: Phantom Lady
  • Production / Publication:  Fox Feature Syndicate
  • Character: The Phantom Lady
  • Genre: Golden Age, Superhero
  • Product: Comic Book
  • Program: Golden Age Tribute
  • Subject: Pin Up, Published Art

      COMIC BOOK | PHANTOM LADY #17 PARTIAL FACSIMILE: Golden Age Tribute by Joe Rubinstein

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      Trade Dress | Limited Edition: 250


      About the Phantom Lady:
      Phantom Lady was created by the Eisner & Iger studio, one of the first to produce comics on demand for publishers. The character's early adventures were drawn by Arthur Peddy. As published by Fox Feature Syndicate in the late 1940s, the busty and scantily-clad Phantom Lady is a notable and controversial example of 'Good Girl Art', a style of comic art depicting voluptuous female characters in provocative situations and pin-up poses that contributed to widespread criticism of the medium's effect on children. The character was ranked 49th in Comics Buyer's Guide's "100 Sexiest Women in Comics" list.

      About the Creation: 
      I was drawn to the cover of issue #17 because of the full profile of the hero’s figure. I liked the opportunity to recreate the full-body pose with greater attention to tone and softening her intensity at the moment. In the original, she appears to be aggressively working free of her bonds and about to disarm her foe with the blinding blacklight ray. In my version, I made her more relaxed and in control, confident of the outcome that is about to unfold. The work of Frank Frazetta is a definitive cornerstone for femininity in comic art. For good or bad, the general go-to features for feminine beauty are big eyes, a little nose, big mouth. In this creation, I was inspired by a charcoal drawing of his and modeled the light source and her attitude from his work. - Joe Rubinstein

      About the Artist:
      Josef "Joe" Rubinstein, born in Germany 1958 is a Hall of Fame comic book artist whose storied career spans more than four decades with notable credits that include the acclaimed 1982 Wolverine mini-series, the Infinity Gauntlet series and The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe. Joe is known to be the artist to have given artist Art Adams (the Uncanny X-Men) his first professional work and nurtured the careers of Kyle Baker (Plastic Man), Jose Marzan, Jr. (The Flash) and Dale Keown (The Incredible Hulk). Joe’s record-setting post on Marvel Comics' saw him ink more pencillers than any other inker in history (and more than 2,500 comic books). He currently enjoys
      exploring painting techniques and creating portraits.

      Shop more art 'Made by' Joe Rubinstein

      Comic Book Details

      • Brand: Phantom Lady
      • Production / Publication:  Fox Feature Syndicate
      • Character: The Phantom Lady
      • Genre: Golden Age, Superhero
      • Product: Comic Book
      • Program: Golden Age Tribute
      • Subject: Pin Up, Published Art

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