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About the Chamber of Chills:
The first Chamber of Chills was a 10-cent horror anthology published bimonthly by Harvey Publications that ran 26 issues (June 1951 - Dec. 1954). Issue #7 is mentioned in Dr. Fredric Wertham's 1954 indictment of comic books Seduction of the Innocent (p. 389). Chamber ceased publication following the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency hearings of 1954. Harvey Comics then began concentrating on titles for young children.

Chamber of Chills was formerly Blondie Comics, taking over that comic’s numbering with issue #21. After issue #24 (Dec. 1951), the numbering was reset to #1. Chamber of Chills became Chamber of Clues with the February 1955 issue, and ceased publication two issues later, the last cover-dated April 1955.

About the Artists:
Bob McLeod, born in Florida in 1951 is a Hall of Fame comic art legend who is best known for co-creating Marvel Comics’ The New Mutants with writer Chris Claremont. Bob’s illustrious credentials also include work on The Incredible Hulk, Conan the Barbarian, Legion of Super Heroes, Detective Comics, Wonder Woman and The New Titans, Star Wars and Spider-Man.

Shop more art 'Made by' Bob McLeod

Josef "Joe" Rubinstein, born in Germany 1958 is a Hall of Fame comic book artist whose storied career spans more than four decades with notable credits that include the acclaimed 1982 Wolverine mini-series, the Infinity Gauntlet series and The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe. Joe is known to be the artist to have given artist Art Adams (the Uncanny X-Men) his first professional work and nurtured the careers of Kyle Baker (Plastic Man), Jose Marzan, Jr. (The Flash) and Dale Keown (The Incredible Hulk). Joe’s record-setting post on Marvel Comics' saw him ink more pencillers than any other inker in history (and more than 2,500 comic books). He currently enjoys exploring painting techniques and creating portraits.

Shop more art 'Made by' Joe Rubinstein


Please Note: The below artists are no longer affiliated with MBartist. As a result, we can no longer guarantee the inclusion of free signatures with purchases or honor artist COA/autograph tickets in future sales. We wish the artists all the best in their future endeavors and appreciate your understanding and continued support.

Fran(cine) Delgado is a Costa Rican-born artist (Pura Vida!) now living in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Skilled in many aspects of design, her most recognized fan artworks include the female heroes from X-Men: Evolution and her on-screen illustration work include The Addams Family, Monster High, and Megaman.

Jaime Coker grew up in Hawaii, where he met his wife and creative partner Trisha. He is a self taught artist, best known for his pop culture mash ups and 'Villainous Villain' series. His art, like his personality, is often vibrant and engaging, celebrating a genuine passion for fandom.


Comic Book Details

  • Brand: Chamber of Chills
  • Production / Publication:  Harvey Publications
  • Genre: Golden Age, Horror
  • Product: Comic Book
  • Program: Golden Age Tribute, Variant Exclusive
  • Subject: Published Art

COMIC BOOK | CHAMBER OF CHILLS #11, 13, 18, 23 FACSIMILE: Golden Age Tribute | SET OF 4

Regular price $39.95
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Trade Dress | Limited Edition: 500


About the Chamber of Chills:
The first Chamber of Chills was a 10-cent horror anthology published bimonthly by Harvey Publications that ran 26 issues (June 1951 - Dec. 1954). Issue #7 is mentioned in Dr. Fredric Wertham's 1954 indictment of comic books Seduction of the Innocent (p. 389). Chamber ceased publication following the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency hearings of 1954. Harvey Comics then began concentrating on titles for young children.

Chamber of Chills was formerly Blondie Comics, taking over that comic’s numbering with issue #21. After issue #24 (Dec. 1951), the numbering was reset to #1. Chamber of Chills became Chamber of Clues with the February 1955 issue, and ceased publication two issues later, the last cover-dated April 1955.

About the Artists:
Bob McLeod, born in Florida in 1951 is a Hall of Fame comic art legend who is best known for co-creating Marvel Comics’ The New Mutants with writer Chris Claremont. Bob’s illustrious credentials also include work on The Incredible Hulk, Conan the Barbarian, Legion of Super Heroes, Detective Comics, Wonder Woman and The New Titans, Star Wars and Spider-Man.

Shop more art 'Made by' Bob McLeod

Josef "Joe" Rubinstein, born in Germany 1958 is a Hall of Fame comic book artist whose storied career spans more than four decades with notable credits that include the acclaimed 1982 Wolverine mini-series, the Infinity Gauntlet series and The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe. Joe is known to be the artist to have given artist Art Adams (the Uncanny X-Men) his first professional work and nurtured the careers of Kyle Baker (Plastic Man), Jose Marzan, Jr. (The Flash) and Dale Keown (The Incredible Hulk). Joe’s record-setting post on Marvel Comics' saw him ink more pencillers than any other inker in history (and more than 2,500 comic books). He currently enjoys exploring painting techniques and creating portraits.

Shop more art 'Made by' Joe Rubinstein


Please Note: The below artists are no longer affiliated with MBartist. As a result, we can no longer guarantee the inclusion of free signatures with purchases or honor artist COA/autograph tickets in future sales. We wish the artists all the best in their future endeavors and appreciate your understanding and continued support.

Fran(cine) Delgado is a Costa Rican-born artist (Pura Vida!) now living in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Skilled in many aspects of design, her most recognized fan artworks include the female heroes from X-Men: Evolution and her on-screen illustration work include The Addams Family, Monster High, and Megaman.

Jaime Coker grew up in Hawaii, where he met his wife and creative partner Trisha. He is a self taught artist, best known for his pop culture mash ups and 'Villainous Villain' series. His art, like his personality, is often vibrant and engaging, celebrating a genuine passion for fandom.


Comic Book Details

  • Brand: Chamber of Chills
  • Production / Publication:  Harvey Publications
  • Genre: Golden Age, Horror
  • Product: Comic Book
  • Program: Golden Age Tribute, Variant Exclusive
  • Subject: Published Art

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